Logan Turns Four!
Can’t believe I have a four year old! He’s such a boy, loving everything from trucks to trains to jumping off his new bunk bed. He started preschool this year and absolutely loves it! One of the rules we told him he needed to follow was no bathroom humor in school! haha What is it about bathroom humor and boys, it must be in their DNA. 😉 We also gave him a few pointers to go by in school and it’s so hilarious how he followed them rigidly. Make sure you listen to your teachers and when you leave at the of the day say “Thank you, see you next time!” only to say it to me when I dropped him off that morning! haha Welp he was definitely listening. 🙂
His favorites things to do are riding his RED bike, playing with his cousins, building things with dad. His favorite foods are pizza, chocolate chip cookies, cupcakes. Because what else do 4 year old’s love?? 😛 His favorite books are books about trains and trucks. He loves Transformers, Paw Patrol and Marvel Super Heroes. He’s an all around sweet, funny, adventurous little boy and I’m so happy he calls me Mom.